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Acupuncture and acupressure are both methods that are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine that are used to treat illness and pain. Sometimes, illness and pain are symptoms to an interrupted flow in Qi, or in other words, your Universal Life Force Energy. Acupuncture and Acupressure help to restore and balance the body’s flow of Qi, accessing it at the Acupoints where the Qi/Chi flows close to the surface of the body.
These Acupressure Points help to relieve pain by releasing the body’s natural pain relievers known as Endorphins. By opening the healing energy through theses Acupressure Points you can relieve pain and stiffness that you have been living with for, minutes, hours and months and even years. Many times people have relief from especially Migraines, Stiff Necks, Arthritic Pains, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue.
There are many acupressure points for these problems, but GB 20 is one of the most potent points for obtaining relief. However, IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO USE THIS ACUPRESSURE POINT IF YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, but for anyone else it is just fine. For those with high blood pressure, there is another point that I will discuss a little later in this article.
Acupressure point GB 20is called Gates of Consciousness and Wind Pond. It is located just under the skull in the back of the head in two small muscular grooves. These points regulate the circulations of into the brain. When these Acupressure points are blocked, you may fell uptight, have pressure in your head, short sightedness and it may be difficult to cope and make wise decisions.
By working with this Acupressure Point, you can also help to harmonize your immune system and it is also good for sinus issues, neck pain, dizziness, sore eyes, head cold, stuffy head and irritability. It is also one of the Acupressure Points that are used to relieve depression.
According to knoji.com the Benefits and Uses of Acupoint GB 20:
For pain relief and common complaints such as headaches, including migraines, vision zigzags, ringing in the ear, insomnia, fibromyalgia, tiredness, stiff neck, neck pain, eyestrain, uptightness, irritability, judgmental attitudes, nervousness, hypertension and mental stress – or any combination of these symptoms – these two acupressure points underneath the base of the skull are a lifesaver.
To hold these points, press and lift up toward the base of your skull with your thumbs, with your fingers comfortable covering the back of your head, lean back using the weight of your head against your thumbs for steady pressure. You may hold these points for 5 minutes at a time, breathing deeply and slowly. For use with self-healing to relieve shoulder and neck tension, aches and pains, you may hold these points for 5 minutes, twice a day.
For pain relief and common complaints such as headaches, including migraines, vision zigzags, ringing in the ear, insomnia, fibromyalgia, tiredness, stiff neck, neck pain, eyestrain, uptightness, irritability, judgmental attitudes, nervousness, hypertension and mental stress – or any combination of these symptoms – these two acupressure points underneath the base of the skull are a lifesaver.
To hold these points, press and lift up toward the base of your skull with your thumbs, with your fingers comfortable covering the back of your head, lean back using the weight of your head against your thumbs for steady pressure. You may hold these points for 5 minutes at a time, breathing deeply and slowly. For use with self-healing to relieve shoulder and neck tension, aches and pains, you may hold these points for 5 minutes, twice a day.
Another great Acupressure Point for Migraine and Headache Pain is called “Hoku point” (LI4), which is the 4th point on the Large Intestine Meridian. This point is fine for use by people with high blood pressure, but NOT FOR PREGNANT WOMEN!!
To locate Hoku Point (L14), you will find it on the back of the hand, in the webbing where the thumb and index finger meet. You will know that you are on the right point, by bringing your thumb on the back of the hand, and your index finger on the underneath portion of your hand, noticing a muscle that will bulge a little. When you find this point, you have found the right spot. You can make small circular motions with your thumb until you feel the point. Many people find that this point is tender, so you may begin by holding only for a few minutes, making sure that the hand that is holding the point is relaxed. It is helpful to spend time holding this point on both hands, doing one and then the other.
By holding the point, pressing firmly for several minutes or until you feel relief, you will be able to relieve headaches, and also joint and muscle pain anywhere in the body. In fact, it is also effective for relieving many discomforts including headaches, constipation, insomnia, stress and shoulder and neck tension.
For a photo and more information you can go to www.the-energy-healing-site.com.
Of course, I also recommend and encourage you to seek the advice of a qualified health care provider for questions about any medical condition. In fact, some headaches need medical attention. The following symptoms of headaches are serious signs of potentially life-threatening health problems, or less dangerous problems. Please consult your medical doctor immediately if:
Of course, I also recommend and encourage you to seek the advice of a qualified health care provider for questions about any medical condition. In fact, some headaches need medical attention. The following symptoms of headaches are serious signs of potentially life-threatening health problems, or less dangerous problems. Please consult your medical doctor immediately if:
If you are clear of these warning signs, please do take a few minutes to try these Acupressure Points for relief for you various Migraines, and other various conditions.
Of course, CranioSacral Therapy it also very helpful for people that have Migraines and other Headache symptoms.
Quoting Andrea Hambly, N.D. of White Tiger Natural Medicine at her website www.whitetigernaturalmedicine.com ,…in discovering the physical cause of Migraine Headaches…” All the muscles of the anterior neck are suspect. The major ones are the anterior and middle scalenes, as well as the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle on either side of the neck.” Be sure to see her website for her the wonderful images and a more in-depth explanation.
The tightening and shortening of the SCM muscle pulls the Cranial Bones of the head, shifting them and temporarily locking them. The Cranial Bones are joined by connective tissue called Cranial Sutures that contain blood vessels and nerves. Since tightening of these muscles, which brings compression of the Cranial Bones brings more pressure and pain, the relaxing of these muscles allow these bones to unlock as the SCM muscle lengthens again with relaxation.
So, the long and short of it, is that if the headaches persist, CranioSacral Therapy can help. If you are interested in some self help to manage for now, by all means use these great Acupressure Points. It is a win – win situation!!